Food days before the competition.
During the week before the competition the two main objectives are:
Optimize the stores of carbohydrates in the muscles and liver (in the form of glycogen) with the fin to compete with a maximum energy reserve.
Stay well hydrated.
The preparation will be dictated by the type of competition to which you go and the frequency with which you compete.
It has to take into account that an optimal diet for sports performance days before the competition will not be effective if you do not eat a healthy diet over an extended period of time.
Diet for the days before a football match.
Some of the characteristics that must meet our diet during the days prior to the event are:
It is very important that you maintain the consumption of carbohydrates to maintain the reserves of glycogen to the maximum.
Ensure a water intake, drink at least 1.5 a day or until your urine is as clear as possible.
Do not try any new food and do not change your usual routine.
Avoid spicy foods and flatulent vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, artichokes or leek.
Avoid eating legumes (lentils, chickpeas…) and foods rich in fiber or whole grains (brown rice, whole grain bread…).
Reduces the intake of fatty foods or fatty foods such as sausages, fried and battered, sauces or pastries.
Eat calmly and chew the food very well, to promote good digestion.
Avoid excess caffeine and alcohol consumption.
Feeding on the day of the competition.
The concern should begin at dinner the day before the game. You should have dinner at least 2 hours before going to bed and the food should be easy to digest: cooked pasta or rice, vegetable salad, lean fish or French omelette, fruit or yoghurt or bread, and also don’t forget to drink, mainly water.
On the day of the match, you should take into account a number of recommendations:
The last meal before the match should be finished at least three hours before, to allow the stomach to digest and avoid gastrointestinal discomfort.
The menu should consist of foods rich in carbohydrates, without much protein and with little fat.
Do not eat large amounts
Avoid sauces, spices and spices.
It is not advisable to drink a lot of liquid during the meal, because it makes digestion difficult.
Eat slowly and chew food well.
The meal hours before the competition
A carbohydrate-rich meal taken in the hours leading up to the competition may complete the body’s glycogen reserves.
What should the pre-match meal be like?
Abundant in simple carbohydrates, such as white bread, cereals, fruit, etc.
Slightly loaded with protein, digestible and with little fat, such as turkey, fresh cheese, skimmed yoghurt, etc.
Avoid fatty foods, as they slow down digestion.
Avoid spicy foods with high fiber content.
Drink about 2-3 glasses of water or isotonic drink to stay hydrated.
Depending on the time of the match we must take into account some considerations.
If the match is in the morning:
Dinner will be more important. It will have an extra contribution of carbohydrates (pasta, rice, bread).
Breakfast will become the most important meal. It should be light, low in fat and based on carbohydrates.
If the game is in the afternoon:
The main meal before a football match must be between 2 – 4 hours before the start. It should be based on carbohydrates and to avoid stomach discomfort, foods low in fibre and fat are preferable.
Good pasta with tomato sauce, a sandwich with a light stuffing such as turkey, or a rice dish may be good choices as the main meal.
Until the hour before the match, if you want to have a snack are good options a few pieces of fruit, a yogurt, a cereal energy bar, before training, toasted bread with jam. These foods rich in carbohydrates will help us to fill up the “fuel” tanks.